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Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Princess and the Fangirl by Ashley Poston



In book two of her Once Upon a Con series, Ashley Poston puts a modern, female spin on The Prince and the Pauper featuring Imogen, a diehard comic geek and Jess, a jaded young actress who plays Princess Amara in a movie version of the time-honored Starfield series (with costar Geekerella’s Darien Freeman). In a case of mistaken identity, Imogen takes her place on a panel when Jess pulls a disappearing act and the stage is set for the switch.

Jess is desperate to make Oscar-worthy movies, fears being type-cast, and is on the run from the paparazzi. She also has a compulsive need to check social media despite being vilified and threatened by Amara fanatics who are faithful to the original TV star, Natalia Ford. It’s a cautionary tale about the evils of social media and how trolls can have a negative impact if you let them. This story is a gift to fans of ComicCons, but the overwhelming use of SciFi jargon (nerfherder, Muggle, Starflame, Noxballs, doge) necessitates a glossary for the uninitiated. It features a diverse cast of characters and several charming romantic relationships, including Imogen and Ethan’s love/hate and four LGBTQ pairings. Highly recommended for teen collections.

I received a complimentary ARC of this book from Quirk Books through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed are completely my own.

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