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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Importance of Libraries & Reading (with Printable Bookmarks to Share)

As a member of the the TX Library Association listserv, I am constantly reminded of how dire the current economic situation is for libraries and librarians (especially in schools), both in TX and nationwide.  Somewhere along the way, perhaps aided by the rapid growth in information technology and electronic access to printed materials, our nation has lost sight of the importance of libraries.  Actors, CEOs, and athletes are revered and outrageously rewarded; librarians and teachers are scapegoats and public punching bags.  Sad, and not just a little bit scary for yours truly. 

Throughout the ages, wise (and even not so wise) people have promoted the value of reading and libraries.  Unfortunately, these sage messages have gotten buried under political rhetoric, finger-pointing, and name-calling.  So, as a small way to promote library advocacy and the love of reading, I'm sharing some bookmarks I created.  I hope everyone who reads this blog will take the time to print them out and use them whenever they're in public reading a book.   Every little bit helps!

Click here -

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